

Make Waves
Always wanted to learn how to snorkel? This one-hour session will equip you with the basic snorkeling techniques. Build your confidence in deeper water and observe the marine life underwater.
Minimum 2 Persons
1 Hour US$95++ per person


最少 4 人
1.5 小时 每人 95++ 美元

Sleep with the Fish
The underwater marine life changes dramatically after sunset. Corals transform into living animals, blooming out in stunning colors and feeding with their tentacles. Many creatures feed at night that are not around during daylight. Eels and octopus, lobsters and shrimps are all much more active at night. Don’t miss out on this spectacular adventure.
Minimum 4 Persons
1 Hour US$120++ per person


最少 4 人
1.5 小时,每人 95++ 美元


Shell Out
It is common to spot endangered species of turtles in the Maldives. They are usually feeding on the reef or resting by the rocks. This trip will take us to “Turtle Reef” where we can snorkel alongside endangered Hawksbill sea turtles and endangered Green turtles.
Minimum 4 Persons
2.5 Hours US$160++ per person

最少 4 人
3 小时,每人 180++ 美元


Play Catch
What better way to enjoy the beautiful Maldivian sunset than with a Sunset Fishing trip. Popular with families and friends, experience bottom-line fishing in traditional Maldivian style using lines and baited hooks on handheld reels. Hook a red snapper, white snapper, grouper or barracuda, bring your catch back and let one of the resort’s chef prepare it for you for an additional charge.
Minimum 4 Persons
2 Hours US$125++ per person


最多 6 人
每人 1 小时 800 美元++
最少租船 2 小时


Paradise Awaits
Indulge in the serenity of a sandbank amid the ocean where you can relax under a gazebo, stroll leisurely along the beach or swim in the turquoise water with your loved ones.
Minimum 4 Persons
4 Hours US$550++ per person (includes lunch bento box)


在开始寻找雄伟的鲸鲨之前,我们将与您分享有关这些温顺巨人的教育介绍。鲸鲨是世界上最大的以浮游生物为食的鲨鱼,最大体型可达 12.6 米。南阿里环礁是世界上与鲸鲨共游的最佳地点之一。
最少 4 人
4 小时,每人 250 美元++

私人鲸鲨浮潜之旅 - 游艇

Whale of a Time
Take your loved ones along on this private yacht in search for the majestic whale shark. After an educational presentation on the whale shark, we are ready to board the yacht. Frequently sighted in the South Ari Atoll, don’t miss out on this great opportunity to swim alongside the gentle giant.
Maximum 8 Persons
1 Hour US$1050++
Minimum 2 hours boat hire

私人鲸鲨浮潜之旅 - CoastCraft 快艇

Whale of a Time
Take your loved ones along on this private speed boat in search for the majestic whale shark. After an educational presentation on the whale shark, we are ready to board the speed boat. Frequently sighted in the South Ari Atoll, don’t miss out on this great opportunity to swim alongside the gentle giant.
Maximum 8 persons
1 Hour US$550++
Minimum 2 hours boat hire

海豚巡游 - 快艇

Feeling Lucky
Over 20 species of whales and dolphins inhabit the waters of the Maldives. South Ari Atoll is home to a large portion of these majestic animals. Relax with a glass of bubbly and enjoy some canapes on our luxury yacht. As we glide through the azure waters, spot dolphins playing with the bow wake of the boat and some even perform stunning aerial tricks!
Minimum 4 Persons
2 Hours
Cruise in Rehendi Yacht US$325++ per person
Cruise in Majesty 62 Yacht US$400++ per person

日落巡游 - 游艇
最少 4 人
2 小时
乘坐 Rehendi 游艇,每人 325++ 美元
乘坐 Majesty 62 游艇,每人 400++ 美元

海豚巡游 - 游艇
Feeling Lucky
Join us on this exciting cruise where we regularly encounter spinner dolphins, bottlenose dolphins and occasionally pilot
whales. Witness incredible acrobatics when these animals come out to play and create lasting memories. Whilst searching for these playful animals, you can enjoy the spectacular Maldivian sunset.
Minimum 4 Persons
1.5 Hours US$160++ per person


Little Adventurers
From marine adventures to sports and games, we offer a world of discovery, just waiting to be explored by our junior guests.


在浅水区穿好装备,熟悉水肺潜水的基本知识。成功的泡泡潜水者可以享受额外的礁湖潜水,并报名参加我们的 PADI 海豹队项目。


Catch our Drift
Enjoy everything our watery wonderland has to offer, from peaceful paddle boarding to adrenaline-filled X-Jetblading and everything in between.




Hands On
Master the art of making dumplings, handmade noodles and dim sum wrappers with our chef in the ocean-facing kitchen.


我们的豪华精品店位于主岛,汇集了国际设计师的女装、男装、童装和家居系列。品牌包括 Odabash 和 Lenny Niemeyer。
营业时间 每天上午 8:00-11:00